In dubio pro Miss Dust – The strict court of “Iniustitia”

Your trial is coming up, but you can expect no leniency. After all, you are in custody in a totalitarian state and your judge, Miss Davina Dust, is not nicknamed “Iniustitia” for nothing. You are not aware of any offense? You can be sure that at the end of this trial you will confess and accept your unjust punishment with a sense of guilt. For the goddess of avenging injustice herself will administer it to you.

This is definitely not how you imagined your trial would be: Naked and shackled, you wait in the dock. Your heart beats harder and harder and when the breathtaking judge “Iniustitia” appears, it threatens to burst. No defense attorney, no prosecutor, just you and the judge. Like her predecessor Iustitia, Iniustitia brings three insignia to the trial: a blindfold, a small suitcase instead of scales and a whip instead of a sword. While Iustitia used to wear the blindfold herself so as not to be influenced, Iniustitia turns the tables and blindfolds you. The suitcase contains various utensils to help Iniustitia assess the actual situation. And the whip ensures that the judge will enforce the punishment with the necessary severity.

The process begins. Iniustitia asks you questions about an incident you have no idea about. And to ensure that your answers are to your satisfaction, she uses a few utensils from her suitcase. The devilish nipple clamps are just the beginning. First of all, you deny your involvement in the incident that is on trial. But the judge doesn’t believe you. She keeps attaching new aids to your body and at some point you break in. A little give – that’s exactly what Iniustitia has been waiting for. Now she is sure that you lied from the beginning. Now she wants to know the whole truth. And she won’t let go of you until you’ve confessed everything.

Finally the time has come. The high court in the person of Miss Davina Dust passes judgment – and it is merciless. Iniustitia” unanimously decided on the maximum penalty. There is no prospect of an appeal. You are personally taken away by the judge and brought to your dungeon cell. If you are already somewhat understanding and gratefully accept your sentence, there is hope for you to receive certain “penalty concessions”. But if you dare to protest, you will be taken directly to Miss Dust’s special custody. The most recalcitrant delinquents have already been made compliant here.

Do you feel guilty? Then contact me for your individual arrangement. Ideally, we play this game for several hours or even days. You will become detached from our real world, you will let yourself fall like never before in your life, you will realize that you are completely dependent on the grace of “your judge”. Believe me, more delivery and dependency is not possible. When I release you, you will feel truly “free” in return …


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