My preferences

Some of my favorite preferences, fetishes and fantasies are:

Helpie FAQ

  • Abuse (physical/verbal)
    ... does not exist with me. Everything I do with my slaves is use, not abuse. After all, that's what they are slaves for.
  • Anaxis games and stretching games through to power FF (arm and foot)
    One of my passions. We start with a small butt plug and slowly work our way up to my biggest strap-on. Endurance training for a few hours can be done on the Fixx chair. I am also very imaginative for that "certain something" for advanced users. Various large dildos are part of my repertoire.
  • Animal dresser for dogs, pigs and ponies
    Slaves have the same basic animal instincts as animals, which is why I train them in the same way.

  • Axxxtraining
    Fingers, dildos, plugs, strap-ons! I make most of my slaves axxx walkable. You will become my little bitch. I love playing with your back entrance and making all kinds of things disappear into it. We'll see how much I can stretch you and what fits in your Axxx. If you inspire me, then I will extend you to the Fxxxth! From tender to hard, I take you really ran and bring Push yourself to your limits! I take sadistic pleasure in making you literally scream like a spit.
  • Ball Busting
    I've always liked taking penalties - in the male scrotum. It requires an accurate kick, the bound object is maltreated with high heels, bare feet or pumps from soft to extreme.
  • Bastonade or the "dark" side of foot massage
    Foot reflexology is based on the fact that there is an interaction between the sole of the foot and the body. The bastonade is my form - the dark side of the Foot massage. I will work on the soles of your feet with various percussion instruments. I enjoy it when your feet cramp and wriggle. You may hope that the last stroke was really the last one, but for the massage to work, you must not end it too quickly. You'll hear my laughter and my joy as I strike the next blow.
  • Bondage
    Tying up your body with ropes is always a special pleasure for me. Bondage is perhaps the most artistic way to make you immobile for my little games. Often the way to the finished result is already a beautiful and exciting experience for you and also for me. Using ropes specially designed for this purpose, I can either tie up individual body parts or your whole body into a beautiful package. Using special rope guides and knotting techniques, I will hold you in place until you are standing, lying or perhaps even hanging defenseless in front of me. If I am extremely satisfied with you as a package, then I may also want to present you to my colleagues and show you off. But this is only the beginning of your further treatment.
  • Boot licking
    Salt stains in winter and dirt marks in summer before going out are embarrassing.
  • Boxing and punching ball games
    I always keep myself in shape. If I don't have time to go to the gym or if I'm in the mood for a workout, you may well have to be available for my training. You want me to keep looking good for you, don't you? Then it will certainly be an honor for you to be my punching bag. During the warm-up, we will both get up to operating temperature. This is followed by the actual workout. I will challenge you and myself more and you will show me with your grimaces, your contortions and your screams the effectiveness of my Show strokes. Should you consider yourself training partner, then perhaps I will allow you to massage me as a reward during the cool-down. I always like to relax after a successful workout. PS: For me, a good boxing workout is also a good way to let off steam and aggression!
  • Breath control (soft to extreme) and suffocation games / waterboarding
    I reduce your breath and enjoy your exciting reaction. I have a range of "tools" for this: > masks, gags, my > hands or I use your face as a seat. I really enjoy seeing the fear creep into the eyes of my victims. A breathtaking experience! Please note: Depending on your level of experience, I will agree a character or password with you.
  • Breath reduction/breath control
    You are mine! And so that you don't forget this, I'm always happy to control whether and how you can take a breath. You are fixated and cannot move or defend yourself. I cover your mouth and nose with my hands and look deep into your eyes while you realize that you are slowly running out of air. Or I can press a cushion, a leather fabric or a plastic bag onto your face. Maybe I'll put a gas mask on you and keep the filter closed. If you deserve it, then you can feel my beautiful ass in your face, then I'll sit on you to take your breath away. One thing is clear, I will always have control over you! One thing is clear, you are mine! Bastonade
  • Bullwhip
    Bulls can sometimes be really stubborn and thick-headed creatures. In order to impress and control these animals, the Bullenpxxxsche was invented, a very suitable striking instrument made of braided leather or nylon. Even slaves can be stubborn and stubborn at times and need to be chastised and educated! If you don't want to listen, you have to feel! You are certainly more delicate than a bull. The sight of the bullwhip alone is sure to inspire respect. That's why you'll be shaking and sobbing when I'm swinging this pxxxsche. And the feeling and the visible traces will remind you of your transgressions and my upbringing long after our meeting.
  • Caning
    Cane training has long been a suitable means of education, training and punishment. People knew what was good in the past. I also like to use caning with my slaves. Whether I use it during an interrogation to extract a confession from you, or whether I catch you misbehaving and have to punish you. There are many Possibilities to let the cane come down on you. To be honest, I don't even need a specific reason. Every now and then I just want to hear the sound that the blows make and then enjoy your screams, which you certainly can't suppress for long. A healthy reddish coloration of your skin is a welcome sight for me and I love to see a beautiful pattern emerging on you through the long, narrow striae.
  • Castrxtion fantasies
    We will get very close ...
  • Chastisement
    You can always find a reason, even if I don't really need one other than my pleasure in seeing you suffer. I like to use a variety of percussion instruments, such as cane, carpet beater, nine-tailed whip or bullwhip. It gives me the greatest pleasure when I can spank your bare bottom, whether hot or cold. In terms of health, this is extremely beneficial for blood circulation. And it's even more fun for me when your little one gets really big.
  • Chastity
    Compulsive chastity has boiled everyone soft. There are fascinating devices and my patience in this regard is infinite. My key ring of KG keys is currently very heavy. But there's always room for more - for me it's a kind of "stamp collecting"/ "only a locked slave is a safe slave".
  • Cock & Ball Torture (CBT)
    I love the little gift that you bring me when you visit and that dangles between your thighs. The fantasies I have to torment you and your Gehxxxe are inexhaustible. Scratching, pricking, squeezing, pulling, stretching, twisting, kicking, tying off, stimulating, teasing, ... I wonder how many verbs there are to describe what I can and will do to your slave cock and balls. Thanks to your sex, you offer me an ideal target to make you suffer extremely and at the same time confirm your primal fears. Most of the time you will be fucked so that I can devote myself to your best piece undisturbed.
  • Crushing
    I don't care what your parents taught you. When you're with me, I'll show you that it's okay to play with food from time to time. I might use you as a living buffet and scatter food all over you before I run over you and crush everything. Or I might drop food on the floor and run through it. In any case, the principle applies: nothing is wasted and everything must be eaten so that there is no bad weather the following day. So you will lick up and swallow whatever food I crush under my feet. Floors, shoe soles and feet must be clean when your tongue has done its duty.
  • Dirty Games (KV&NS)
    Gourmets of a special kind are welcome here. With dirty games, I humiliate those of my objects that show such tendencies. However, the chemistry has to be right for me to be inclined to develop you in this direction. But if everything fits, then you will be able to enjoy my divine golden juice, among other things. I will certainly be able to quench your thirst. Or are you rather hungry? No problem! I will be able to help you with that too.
  • Dirty Talk
    You are my little slave shxxxn! Rest assured that I have the necessary vocabulary to put you in your place with my words and tone. However, this is not the place to go into more detail. Come to me, be my submissive object and toy, and experience me when I'm really in my stride!
  • Disgust training
    The more you are disgusted by what I expect from you, the more pleasure I take in making you do it. Believe me, I know many methods of getting my way.
  • Double Trouble
    ...or should I rather say: Double Pleasure? Admit it, it has always been your dream to have two beautiful mistresses to take care of your upbringing, and if I'm honest, I really enjoy it when I can share a worthwhile object with my girlfriends, whether at the same time or one after the other. 2 imaginative heads 2 adorable bodies 4 legs that want to be massaged 4 feet that want to walk around on you 4 hands that want to play with you 20 toes that want to be licked 20 fingers that want to explore and fill all your orifices Let my girlfriend, for example, take your breath away, by sitting on your face and playing with your nipples at the same time as I take care of your southern regions - perhaps shoving a dildo up your ass and working your cock with electricity. A flood of stimulation will flow through your body. Your head and your mind will no longer know where front and back are. You will lose yourself while my girlfriend and I let our imagination run wild and use you as our playground.
  • E-mail education/distance education
    Of course, I prefer to have you directly in my fingers. But I also have ways and means to make you my obedient slave at a distance. See under Further education.
  • Electric games
    You will learn how I literally "electrify" my slaves. Various electrical devices, such as ET312 and toys, are part of my equipment.
  • Erotic dominance
    You will be prepared to do anything I ask of you just to be in my presence. I don't always dominate as strictly as it might seem. I am known for my empathy and I use this especially with beginners who just want to "get a taste" of it.
  • Escort
    A visit to the royal box of the Cuvilliés Theater. Apart from the two of us, nobody knows that you're wearing a skin-tight latex body under your tuxedo and an egg toaster underneath. You want it to stay that way, I don't really care. And I have a remote control in my handbag. Can also be combined with Tiger Balm.
  • Exploring your limits
    It's no fun below that. Only then does it get interesting. Of course, we discuss this in advance.
  • Extreme humiliation
    For example, I could explain to you in a crowded restaurant why you're such a loser professionally and that I'd swap you for your boss, who not only earns a lot more money, but also has a lot to offer outside of work.
  • Faceslapping
    "slaps in the face" does not adequately describe what you can expect.
  • Faxxsitting
    This is a truly breathtaking experience! Can also be used as a convincing argument in dirty games.
  • Foot worship/ foot fetish
    I will gladly let your adoration for me be shown through my feet.
  • Footkicks
    Some objects have to be stepped on to make tracks.
  • Forced Bi
    My slaves should already know what it's likethemselves fixed to be fixed.
  • Forced feeding/fattening
    I don't care if you've just eaten something. You will eat what I give you!
  • Interrogation & insult
    In interrogations, my victims almost always get to the point where they become pathetic. The insults they then hear from me, get stuck.
  • Interrogations
    If I want to know something about you, you'll be interrogated. I use a specific method for each interrogation, so either Stromfoxxer or flogging or, or, or... This is how it works: I tell you which method I will use, and before I ask you what I want to know from you, I first familiarize you with the method. So if I use the bastinado, you are immediately put on the rack and receive - let's say - ten strokes of the cane on the soles of your feet. Then I ask you the question and move on immediately until I get the whole answer from you in a comprehensible, coherent sentence.
  • Kidnapping
    One moment on the street, the next in my power. In order for a ransom to be paid, you usually have to suffer quite a bit. More details in my blog post on the subject of "kidnapping".
  • Latex
    Similar to striking skills, a wide field! One of my passions! I love to feel it on my own luxurious body, but I'd even rather wrap you up in it. Preferably with several increasingly heavy layers and a mask that takes away all your sensory perceptions. And you can make a little effort with your breathing too! I might even put you in an inflatable bag or a vacuum bed so that you really can't lift a finger. And perhaps the milking machine or entertainment electronics will be used here too?
  • Milking off
    There are many ways and possibilities to extract your milk - whether with my numerous toys (such as milking machines and massage wands), by prostate stimulation or by hand. I usually make sure that you suffer in the process! Or I'll un-fuck you right at the beginning. This makes the subsequent treatments all the more intense and uncomfortable for you. I have many fantasies and it is a lot of fun for me to drive you and your slave cock to climax!
  • Milking with Venus 2000
    The Venus 2000 is a wonderful machine that does the job reliably while I'm sitting next to you and repainting my toenails, for example. The best thing about the machine is that it doesn't stop when you come in, but only when I turn it off. An alternative to the milking machine is the "blower" - a technical term for slaves who help other slaves to finish.
  • Mummification
    When you are at my mercy, motionless, sweating and perhaps barely able to breathe, I like you. I particularly like to mummify you in combination with latex. I use foils and adhesive tape of all kinds for this.
  • Nettles
    What are you looking forward to when winter says goodbye and spring arrives? Are you happy about the warmer weather, flowering meadows or twittering birds? I get a sparkle in my eye when I see the first stinging nettles in the fields or along the roadside. You are welcome to accompany me on a special walk. Instead of flowers, I am also happy to receive a bouquet of stinging nettles as a gift from you when you visit me in the studio, or I will surprise you when you see the green plant in a vase when you enter my residence. It always amuses me deliciously when my objects roll around in it at my command or when I make their gexxxge burn with a bouquet.
  • Nipple-Play
    Luckily, male pieces have nipples too. It doesn't always have to be as hard as described below.

  • Nipple-Torture
    I really can never keep my hands off my slaves' nipples - if they're lucky. From soft nipple play to hardcore, I enjoy everything.

    Because I have so many ideas and ways to torture the nipples in other ways. So my slaves can feel the special cares for days afterwards. Lots of clips, clamps and power accessories increase the fun.

  • Nylon-Fetish
    Luckily nylons still exist. The way they feel, the way they shine... and the sound when they rub against each other is indescribable.
  • Orgasmtorture
    It is important to prevent the slave from having an orgasm for as long as possible and ultimately only let him come when he has earned it. Of course, small nastiness and wank maneuvers are not excluded.

  • Outdoor
    Ideal for training stubborn slaves. They can be tied to trees or fixed between them, if possible in a field of nettles, raspberry bushes or on an anthill. And then you calmly think about what you want to do with the slave... To avoid public nuisance, we always recommend using a gag. The mistress is also happy to help with wasps and mosquitoes, which can be attracted with suitable substances applied to private parts of the body.

  • Penalties
    I will shape and educate you into a worthwhile object and slave! In doing so, I will not fail to punish you for any misconduct on your part! But I am also a fickle mistress! Don't count on the fact that your behavior, which pleases and satisfies me one moment, won't cause me to punish you the next. But try not to provoke me too much, because then I might throw you out!
  • Pleasant for beginners
    What is done in a beginner session? How long does a session last? Am I being beaten up? Are my preferences taken into account? Will I have traces? I am asked these questions again and again and I go into more detail under FAQ in more detail
  • Role-playing games
    I love role-playing games and have a few favorite ideas for them.

    As Strict Baroness, Dr. sad. Dust, Ms. Studienrat - harsh punishment or playful torture - I enjoy all types of games. But I would also be happy to listen to your fantasies; written and oral suggestions are welcome.

  • Ruined orgasm
    Your orgasm is only interesting to me in that I can make it painful for you, or cut it off midway through to leave you frustrated. If I allow you to have a “normal” orgasm, you are lucky or you have earned it from me.
  • Scissor technique
    For me it's a way to keep fit.

    Less pleasant for you...

  • Sensory deprivation
    You will go completely into yourself... and then expect what I do to you.
  • Sewing
    Just no jokes about typically “female” activities. My sewing skills can be quite unpleasant for you, especially if I really heat you up afterwards!
  • Shaving/forced shaving
    I expect my slaves to be particularly flawless down below! Otherwise, razors or an epilator, or perhaps waxing, are used.
  • Shopping tour with slaves
    It's clear that you won't be treated as a friend or lover in the store, right?
  • Slave training
    I first test every slave for suitability. If he has something that is useful to me, I train him until I can use him in a way that satisfies me. Over time, a slave's functions usually expand.
  • Soft dominance
    I don't always dominate as strictly as it might seem. I am known for my empathy and use this especially with beginners who just want to “get a taste of it” at first.
  • Spitting/ Spitting
    You will have to experience and learn when my saliva is a reward for you and when it is contempt. I like to spread my spit all over your body, including your slave cock. A special form is the domina kiss, in which I either let my saliva run slowly into your mouth or spit it in a targeted manner. But I prefer to spit in your face. This can also happen in public and don't you dare wipe my saliva off afterwards!
  • St. Andrew's cross
    It's a standard fixture in a torture cellar. I will fix you to it with your limbs spread wide apart and then I can do whatever I want to you! You will stand helplessly in front of me and I will play my perverse games with you. I can snuggle up to you, rub my body against yours, spit on you, slap you or breathe in your ear... and you can't do anything. You can only worship me with your eyes - if I allow you to -, smell me, hear my voice, taste my spit and feel me. I will tease, punish or stimulate you with my toys without you being able to escape my treatment.
  • stimulation current
    I like to call it “entertainment electronics” because I have a great time turning the controls and making different sounds out of you. When it comes to electronics/e-play, I am very well equipped. (ET312, Axis, etc.)
  • Stocking games
    ... socks that have been worn for a long time or that are sweaty during a workout are particularly suitable as gags.
  • Stretching games through to power FF (arm and foot)
    Something for the advanced. You'll find "fulfillment" with me too - but unlike with hobbies or work.
  • Submission
    ... - yours, of course, if you want to commit yourself to me. After all, I'm a dominatrix and not your good friend or anything else.
  • Tease & Denial
    Not for slaves with a low frustration threshold.

  • Tickle games
    When fun becomes serious ... An effective method of torturing the slave in a gentle way. Under this torture, there are many a word that I can use against you.
  • Touchability
    I am beautiful, exciting and sexy. I take great care to keep my body in shape and look after it. If I allow you to, then you may worship my breathtaking body. I like to emphasize my figure with sensational latex or leather garments. Or how would you like it if I stood opposite you in sexy lingerie? I have a countless selection of elegant dresses for escort companions. Take a look at my gallery to see my changeability. I'm even more exciting in real life! You will desire my beauty, adore and worship me. You will long to be allowed to explore every inch of my body. BUT!!! Whether you are allowed to touch me, even if it's just a submissive kiss on the foot, depends on how satisfied I am with you.
  • Trample games
    Some people simply “deserve” to be trampled on, quite literally. If you particularly “deserve” it, I’ll leave the high heels with the stiletto heels on.

  • TV education
    This is not about the desire to change gender. Due to time constraints, the slave is externally transformed into a woman and is taught how to prepare, behave and behave as a woman in role play. The training for femininity takes place over a certain period of time, for one session or for many sessions. The slave can also be used sexually in women's clothing.
  • Urethral dilation
    Urethral stretching is a stimulating practice that takes place in the black area or in role play in the clinic. Dilators (I use my own Hegar dilators) or urethral vibrators are inserted into the urethra. I use sterile instillagel for insertion. Water-based lubricant is used for those who do not like instillage oil. The general use of sterile material goes without saying. Here I personally use purely medical metals (no silicone/plastic). Urethral dilation is not only used to increase a man's sexual pleasure and is not to everyone's taste.
  • Usage games
    Say goodbye to the irrational idea that you are a normal person for me during the time I am shaping and educating you! As my slave, you will have to slip into different roles. You are my servant, my object, my My little test rabbit, my blowing rabbit or even my toy. That is why I will treat and use you in the same way. Depending on my mood, you will be presented to me, for example, as furniture, toilet or perhaps as an ashtray. If I think you are suitable for this, I may also use you as a test dummy to try out new ways of playing with you. And I also expect menial services, such as being available as a Fxxx piece, from You!
  • Verbal humiliation
    There is a wide range of ways to make it clear to you with words that you are beneath me. I can be very subtle in public, but I can also be extremely direct and brutal when I'm tempted.
  • Wank instructions
    With a dominant Wanking instruction you follow my instructions exactly! I'll tell you exactly how to wank. I offer this option during a session, but it is also possible online. Whether I let you come or your genitals go back into the chastity belt is up to me. This all serves to chastise my slaves. Whether Accordwanker, Wankcountdown or Tease and Denial ... everything is possible.
  • Water games/ waterboarding
    As you know: "Constant dripping wears away the stone." I can make you suffer with water just as much as with fire.
  • Wetgames
    In the wet room or outdoors, I love to wet slaves directly from the mouth or from another source. The slaves are not always naked. They are so embarrassed when it looks like they are incontinent. When I'm playing with you, I don't want to interrupt because my bladder is pinching me. After all, what do I have you for?
  • White area /clinic
    Dr. sad. Davina Dust is a doctor with a holistic approach to treatment. Using extremely consistent, individualized methods, she not only treats the patient's symptoms, but also addresses the cause of the complaints. The treatment takes place after a successful anamnesis, see under the tab Contactwhich information is required.
    • proctologic examination necessary...?
    • Sex therapy measures prescribed...?
    • Relapse of a horny affliction...?
    • Mustering with Mrs. Staff Doctor...?
    • Referral for long-term therapy...?
    • Electrotherapeutic measures with the Et 312 ...?
    • OR simulation...?
    • annual examination due...?


Limited accessibility:

Until 15.04. I can only be reached by email and text message.

Until then, further education is also only possible by email.

There is no remote contact by telephone or WhatsApp.

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